Posts by Eyecad VR

    Beta 1.0.3 - 15/11/2021

    • Graphics

    - Selection outline was not visibile in both objects sides (fixed)

    - When a project was being open, the captured preview was containing the rain and snow effect even if it was disabled (fixed)

    - Area-lights are been updated, now lights and shadows are more accurate and performance are improved (new)

    - Sun rays effect was projected in the opposite direction during the night time (fixed)

    - Ray-Tracing real-time denoiser has been improved (improved)

    - New volumetric environment fog has been added, it can be managed through settings tab (new)

    - Rain and Snow effect has been improved (improved)

    - Smoke effect was not correctly rendered when there was a reflection probe in scene (fixed)

    • Videomaker

    - Some bugs are been fixed (fixed)

    • UI/UX

    - It was possible to change the UI's tool by pressing shortcuts even in not allowed tabs (fixed)

    • Effects tab

    - New volumetric air dust effect has been added (new)

    • Material editor

    - Now is possible to change the animation type (new)

    - Some bugs are been fixed (fixed)

    • Exploration mode

    - Teleport vignette effect was not working correctly (fixed)

    - Collisions for stairs detection has been improved (improved)

    - Some bugs are been fixed (fixed)

    • Gizmo

    - New gizmo for faster resizing of boxed components and area-lights has been added (New)

    • Other

    - Now WAV audio format is supported (new)

    • Bugs

    - It was possible to ctrl+z/y when input field was active (fixed)

    - Other small bugs are been fixed (fixed)

    Render Beta 1.0.2 - 24/06/2021

    • Graphics

    - Transparent materials now supports translucency (new)

    - Transparency has been improved on the output final image (improved)

    - Fur material has been improved, only for conceptual mode (improved)

    - Opaque translucent materials were not working correctly if quality was high or ultra (fixed)

    - Now Bloom and Sun rays effects are enabled by default (new)

    - Weather: rain and snow effect now works correctly (fixed)

    - Weather: rain and snow effect is now supported in Ray-Tracing mode (new)

    - Perfomance have been improved (improved)

    • 3D Importer

    - Unify by material function has been improved (improved)

    - Now is possible to ignore materials limit (new)

    - Existing materials replacer was not working correctly (fixed)

    • Videomaker

    - New recording library has been added, now the cinematic videos output have an higher quality (new)

    - Now video and audio are correctly syncronized (fixed)

    - Now is possible to modify the camera exposure (new)

    • Rendering mode

    - Now is possible to modify the camera exposure (new)

    • Virtual Reality

    - Valve Index controller is now fully supported (new)

    • Materials tab

    - Now is possible to identify materials easier (new)

    - Now is possible to select more than one material at once by holding shift button (new)

    - Now is possible to search personal materials by name (new)

    - Material picker has been added, now is possible to copy and paste materials and UV from one object to another one (new)

    • Material Editor

    - Fixed UV function now works for all normal directions (improved)

    - Effect Map has been added, now is possible to add effects to your materials like scratches, dust and more (new)

    - Transparent materials now support translucency (new)

    • Objects tab

    - Now is possible to select more than one object at once by holding shift button (new)

    - Now is possible to search personal objects by name (new)

    • Animations tab

    - Now animated cars lights will turn on during the night (new)

    - Animated cars are been improved (improved)

    • UI/UX

    - UX has been improved.

    • Bugs

    - Some times loading bar was not showing (fixed)

    - Other small bugs are been fixed (fixed)

    2020.5.4 - 08/06/2021

    • Graphics

    - Fur material has been improved (improved)

    • 3D Importer

    - Existing materials replacer was not working correctly (fixed)

    • Virtual Reality

    - Valve Index controller is now fully supported (new)

    • Landscape Tab

    - World Map freezes while loading elevations (fixed)

    - World Map was generating buildings even if unflagged (fixed)

    - World Map roads were not correctly collided if elevation was enabled (fixed)

    Render Beta 1.0.1 - 24/05/2021

    • Graphics

    - Materials lucidity and fresnel have been improved

    - Materials with parallax now casts shadows in rendered final image (new)

    - Materials with parallax was not correctly projected in rendered final image (fixed)

    - The Area-light did not work after duplication (fixed)

    - Default spot light cookie was not projected correctly in Ray-Tracing (fixed)

    - Shadows are been improved (improved)

    - Emissive materials were not reflecting correctly if cloudiness was set at 100% (fixed)

    • 3D Importer

    - Unify by material function has been improved (improved)

    - Native SketchUp 2021 file support added (new)

    - SketchUp importing speed has been improved (improved)

    - Update 3D function was not working correctly after materials exceeded the limit (fixed)

    • EVR Importer

    - Projects importing speed has been improved (improved)

    • Objects Manager

    - Now when a object is selected from the scene, it will be shown in the object manager too (new)

    - Now is possible to show/hide multiple selected objects in one click (new)

    - Now is possible to show options menu on multiple selected objects (new)

    • Gizmo

    - It was not possible to deselect an object by clicking on the hdri backdrop or terrain mesh (fixed)

    • Material Editor

    - Now is possible to change the preview object of the material editor (new)

    • Materials Tab

    - When a material was deleted, objects were not updated correctly (fixed)

    • UI

    - Videomaker and Rendering mode: HUD camera has been fixed (fixed)

    • Exploration

    - Reflections were not correctly rendered in VR (fixed)

    - Teleport function was not working on some meshes (fixed)

    • Bugs

    - Other small bugs are been fixed

    • Other

    - The language Czech has been added (new)

    In order to allow us to reproduce the issue please let us know the following

    • Let us know step by step how to reproduce the issue;
    • Eyecad VR version that you're using;
    • Eyecad VR logs (you can find them here: "C:\Users\*PC NAME\AppData\LocalLow\Digital Atom s.r.l_\eyecadVR_Software");
    • PC specs (GPU, CPU, RAM);

    *Replace "PC NAME" with your current PC name.

    Thank you for helping us to improve Eyecad VR.

    In order to allow us to reproduce the issue please let us know the following

    • Let us know step by step how to reproduce the issue;
    • Eyecad VR version that you're using;
    • Eyecad VR logs (you can find them here: "C:\Users\*PC NAME\AppData\LocalLow\Digital Atom s.r.l_\eyecadVR_Software");
    • PC specs (GPU, CPU, RAM);

    *Replace "PC NAME" with your current PC name.

    Thank you for helping us to improve Eyecad VR.

    The Eyecad VR user interface is divided into 15 TABs (work areas organized by functions) and three kinds of styles project visualization.


    1. Modify

    The “Modify” TAB allows you to interact through the three fundamental transformers of the 3D software, which are articulated in the commands:

    • Move
    • Rotate
    • Scale
    • Path

    H729b-6lVMuB3WTsOaqZlYka1dPAg-xuDVg3qUIh0q0957wC2vDIx82iRRQ3wuP9_5jNUqHDdIOTmw7pkutKpfLgp5G_of76rFBPJCFggzdXUnDuO0NL-WJz6oJA1aEx05ne_opM  Move

    The “Move” command allows you to change the position of an object in the scene, varying the x, y, z coordinates of its center (pivot). The selection of the command activates a gizmo (x, y, z) that it is used to carry out a precision control, bound to one or more reference axes. The “Move” command allows you to set a shift by changing the reference coordinates in “Absolute” or “Relative” mode.


    hMFo1LPyGkHoz22T5lugbRCWgf59he-c3AD5DdOXfCArgmO0edpR5JVkNHgPJRdFT0wnAdBbPaB5UkSF32bYCzD0aMlwgjv3N1FTXpINwZYeXlgeedO9cuEZVGpMbuZgK0HkM3Oo Rotate

    The “Rotate” command allows you to change the rotation of an object In the scene. The selection of the command activates a gizmo (x, y, z) that it used to carry out a precise control of the effects of the rotation to a single axis. It is also possible to enter a numerical value equivalent to the rotation angle.


    4Sh8IDHdhZn6VUK-srvModN0w_ty3XHzJJCrDKUN55pA55OcKwuSDPHbne3wjeAdYAPzsqeBsrKr9HXtBQTUS2zM00I-YEVou3gBtSh1ZTHCc-5FJwmKVMoy7l7nGlwXAGE7pHf1 Scale

    The “Scale” command allows you to modify the scaling of an object In the scene. The selection of the command activates a gizmo (x, y, z) that it is used to carry out a precise control of the effects of the scaling to a single axis. Using the unique XYZ function, the scaling occurs uniformly according to the three reference axes and it is possible to keep the proportions of the object unchanged regardless of its final size.


    4Sh8IDHdhZn6VUK-srvModN0w_ty3XHzJJCrDKUN55pA55OcKwuSDPHbne3wjeAdYAPzsqeBsrKr9HXtBQTUS2zM00I-YEVou3gBtSh1ZTHCc-5FJwmKVMoy7l7nGlwXAGE7pHf1 Path

    The “Path” command allows you to create multiple instances of an object in the scene. The selection of the command activates the “path drawing” and thanks to its, is possible to create a path point by point. Once the paths has been created, is possible to configure it.


    2. Objects

    The “Objects” TAB allows to insert inside the project both the objects (3D models) imported from the outside and the objects inside the Eyecad VR 3D library.


    The Eyecad VR 3D objects library is composed of a sliding menu that can be used to choose the type of object, with the possibility of inserting them in the current project.

    All the objects loaded in the current project are summarized in the “Objects” TAB, located on the right inside of the library menu, where it is possible to add them inside the scene through a drag and drop operation (from the folder to the 3D grid).


    2.1 Import new object

    The “Import new object” command allows you to add inside the project any type of object (3D model) that it is not included in the software’s proprietary libraries. You can import files with the following formats:

    • Autodesk (.fbx)
    • 3ds Max (.3ds)
    • Collada (.DAE)
    • Object (.obj)
    • SketchUp (.Skp)

    For a detailed overview of the options related to the importing tab, please refer to chapter 2 of this manual.

    3. Materials

    The “Materials” TAB allows you to manage the Eyecad VR library of PBR materials and those defined directly by the user, which can be managed in the dedicated area.


    3.1 Personal Materials

    The “Personal Materials” area allows you to create and customize all aspects of Eyecad VR materials, thanks to the functions provided by its editor.

    To define a new material In the current project, you can click on the “Create new material” icon that opens the Eyecad VR materials editor on the right.

    For a detailed overview of the options related to the creation and modification of materials, please refer to chapter 3 of this manual.

    4. Light sources

    The “Light sources” TAB allows you to choose between some types of artificial lights:

    • Point light
    • Spot light
    • Area light (Sky portal or Artificial Area light)


    To insert them into the current project, you can drag them from the menu into the scene from the grid, where you can change their position and parameters, via the contextual menu that is activated by selecting one of the lights in the scene.

    For a detailed overview of the options related to the creation and modification of light sources, please refer to chapter 4 of this manual.

    4.1 Point light

    The point light is an omnidirectional point source that can be modified through the following parameters and settings:

    • IES Light
    • Power
    • Angle
    • Distance
    • Color temperature


    4.2 Spot-light

    The spot-light is a point source that emits light through a conical projection, which can be modified through the following parameters and settings:

    • IES Light
    • Power
    • Angle
    • Distance
    • Color temperature


    4.3 Area-light

    The area-light is a portal used to facilitate interior lighting. Its function is to project the ambient light component present in the scene. It is effective only in the direction of the vector’s arrow represented on the plane. The area-light can be configured in the dimensions of the top (width and height) and it is usually placed immediately inside the openings of the planned interiors.

    5. Interactions

    The TAB “Interactions” allows to define the interactions of the objects present in the scene of the current project (3D space of Eyecad VR). The interactions are effective in the “exploration mode” to allow the user to open and close the openings, as well as to configure different alternative solutions in the project spaces.


    In Eyecad VR, the following types of interaction are available:

    • Fixed object
    • Movable object
    • Animated object

    For a detailed overview of the options related to the creation of interactions, please refer to chapter 5 of this manual.

    5.1 Fixed object

    The “fixed object” interaction (default condition) allows to make an object immovable in the “explorer mode”. When an object present in the scene is characterized by the interaction “Fixed object” the user cannot in any way change its position.

    5.2 Movable object

    The “movable object” interaction allows you to set the possibility of moving and rotating an object in the “explorer mode”.

    5.3 Animated Object

    The “Animated object” interaction allows you to set the possibility to create a sliding movement or a rotation movement of an object in the “explorer mode”.

    6. Environment

    The “Environment” TAB allows you to set the configuration parameters relating to the light and visibility conditions of the current project, in addition to set the background and geolocate the scene in detail.


    The “Environment” TAB is divided into the following configuration sub-menus:

    • Hours
    • Day
    • Coordinates
    • North
    • Cloudiness
    • Weather
    • HDRI and Sky settings

    6.1 Hours

    The “Hours” function allows you to configure the day time, contextually changing the position of the sun in the scene. This function is related to the “Data” function.

    6.2 Day

    The “Day” function allows you to set the current date of the project, contextually changing the position of the sun in the scene. This function is related to the “Time” function.

    6.3 Coordinates

    The “Coordinate” function allows you to set the terrestrial coordinates and geo-localize (optionally) the project. This function is related to the “Time” and “Day” functions and allows you to define the position of the sun in the scene.

    6.4 North

    The “North” function allows you to set the position of the geographic north, thanks to that Eyecad VR is able to automatically determine the sunrise-sunset path, and to accurately determine its position in relation to the “Hours” functions, “Day” and “Coordinates”.

    6.5 Cloudiness

    The “cloudiness” function determines the amount of clouds in the project sky. The clouds are generated parametrically and affect the general shading of the scene. It is indicated in percentage terms (%).

    6.6 Weather

    It is indicated as a percentage, it determines the amount and type of precipitation that will affect the 3D scene.


    The “HDRI” function allows to set the background of the scene, through the use of an HDRI 360 image, configurable in the following aspects:

    o HDRI: it defines if the HDRI image must been on or off.

    o HDRI Floor: it defines a virtual floor automatically generated from the HDRI.

    o HDRI Sun: it allows to center the virtual Eyecad VR sun with the HDRI’s sun.

    o Power: it controls the amount of light “Reflected” by the image itself. It influences on the surfaces and the overall environment.

    o Rotation: it defines the rotation angle of the HDRI image with reference to the vertical axis (indicated in GREEN) of the 3D Eyecad VR scene.

    For a detailed overview of the options related to the Environment tab, please refer to chapter 6 of this manual.

    7. Landscape

    The “Landscape” TAB allows to create and modify the elements of the natural or artificial landscape of the project, through the configuration of different parameters, referable to a specific function.


    To activate the terrain editing commands, it is sufficient to click on the “Show” button in the “Landscape” TAB.


    7.1 Terrain

    The “terrain” function allows to modify the following modification parameters:

    • Up: it allows to raise the ground in the portion of the area of modification.
    • Down: it allows to lower the ground in the portion of the area of modification.
    • Smooth: it makes the ground more uniform, natural and soft, damping angular points and accentuated disconnections in the modification area.
    • Align: it leads to a single dimension in the brush area of the selected surface.
    • 3D grass: it creates low 3D vegetation similar to reality with the dynamism of the wind movement giving more realism to the scene.

    7.2 Trees

    The “trees” function allows you to create and modify vegetation in the scene.

    7.3 Plants

    The “Plants” area allows you to add and modify garden vegetation in the scene.

    7.4 Rocks

    It allows you to insert rocks inside the project.

    7.5 Painter

    The “brush” allows you to paint the areas of land subject to modification with the selected texture.

    7.6 Water

    Using a brush, you can choose the type of water to be used to highlight different characteristics of the soil according to your needs.

    7.7 World map

    It generates a relief map of the soil of a specific geographical area (Open Street Map + Digital Elevation Map).

    For a detailed overview of the options related to the creation and modification of the 3D landscape, please refer to chapter 7 of this manual.

    8. 3D visual effects


    This tab allows you to insert different “animated” effects that make the project more realistic. These consist on:

    • Fire: a 3D animation that generates the effect of a fireplace’s fire.
    • Fog: a 3D animation that generates the mist haze effect.
    • Reflection probe: allows you to reflect objects and light on surfaces in a more realistic and real-time way.

    For a detailed overview of the options related to the 3D visual effects, please refer to chapter 8 of this manual.

    9. Animations

    This TAB is designed to create path for animated 3D people and 3D vehicles.



    For a detailed overview of the options related to the creation of 3D animations, please refer to chapter 9 of this manual.

    10. Settings

    This TAB allows you to act on different display parameters and light effects, scale and other settings such as language.


    10.1 Graphics Quality

    It affects the quality of effects, light, shadows and details:

    • Low
    • Middle
    • High
    • Ultra

    10.2 Adjustments

    It allows you to adjust various parameters such as:

    • Saturation
    • Contrast
    • Brightness

    10.3 Advanced

    Settings that affect the amount of light effects and the resolution scale.

    • Bloom: it is an effect used in Computer Graphics with high dynamic range (HDR) rendering to reproduce an artifact of real-world camera images. The effect produces fringes (or feathers) of light that extend from the edges of the bright areas of an image, contributing to the illusion of extremely intense light that overwhelms the camera or the eye that captures the scene.
    • Sun rays: accentuation of the penetration of sunlight into the scene.
    • Anti aliasing: Anti-aliasing softens the lines by smoothing the edges and improving the quality of the image.
    • Resolution scale: It manages image resolution and detail. For PCs that are not too fast, it is not recommended to increase the value of this parameter.
    • Occlusion intensity: It defines the intensity of the environmental occlusion in the 3D scene.
    • Ray Tracing Ambient Power: It defines the ambient intensity (only raytracing mode) of the 3D scene.

    10.4 Editor

    Selectable settings that allow:

    • Hide Area-light: it hides the emitting surface but not the emitted light.
    • Hide light icons: it hides the icons that indicate the presence of lights in the space.
    • Hide refl. Probe: it hides the parallelepiped from the view but not the effects.
    • Hide Static cameras

    10.5 Language

    It allows to set the language in different languages such as:

    • English
    • Italian

    For a detailed overview of the options related to the settings tab, please refer to chapter 10 of this manual.

    11. Render mode

    This TAB allows you to shoot in few minutes, professional renders of your 3D projects in two different mode:

    1- Realistic

    2- Ray-Tracing


    For a detailed overview of the options related to the creation of still images, please refer to chapter 11 of this manual.

    12. Video maker

    This TAB allows you to create animated professional videos in few minutes with the most important camera settings clip by clip.


    For a detailed overview of the options related to the creation and modification of videoclips, please refer to chapter 12 of this manual.

    13. Starting position (exploration mode)

    This TAB allows you to set the initial position of the 3D exploration (via monitor or via VR headsets).


    13. Visualization options (exploration mode)

    This TAB allows you to set the most important parameters for the exploration phase (via monitor or via VR headsets).


    For a detailed overview of the options related to the exploration mode, please refer to chapter 13 of this manual.

    14. Project sharing

    This TAB allows you to share your 3D projects with your colleagues or customers.


    For a detailed overview of the options related to the Project sharing, please refer to chapter 14 of this manual.

    Visual Styles

    Eyecad VR offers three types of visualization so you can to work to your project in a better way. The choice are:

    • Wireframe: it is a type of computer graphic representation of three-dimensional objects. With this method only the edges of the object are represented as if it has been constructed with “wire”. This method requires easier calculations of the graphic processor rather than the representation of solid surfaces, and it is therefore considerably faster.
    • Shadowed: shaded mode uses a mesh to shade surfaces without advanced rendering calculations.
    • Realistic: it is the creation of an image starting from a mathematical description of a three-dimensional scene. It is interpreted by algorithms that define the color of each point of the digital image.
    • Ray-Tracing (Beta): It is the new rendering mode that is more accurate and it works in real time in the Eyecad VR Editor.

    For a detailed overview of the options related to the Ray-tracing mode please refer to chapter 15 of this manual.

    Please note: the Ray-Tracing mode it works with efficient graphic cards like as Nvidia RTX series or GTX only 10th series.

    The “Objects” TAB allows you to import and modify all the objects that can be imported in Eyecad VR, as well as the access to the software’s objects libraries.

    Start a new project

    The first step to start a new project is to click on the “New project” icon on the left of the screen.


    It is also possible to open a .evr project created before, by clicking on the “Open project” icon.

    Please note: the .evr files created with old Eyecad VR versions are not compatible with Eyecad VR 2020.

    Choose the startup template

    Choose the startup template for your project. This is an important phase for your new project, because the templates will help you with your workflow based on your project needs. In order, we have the following 5 startup templates:

    Interiors Template

    This startup template is highly recommended for interiors projects. Eyecad VR will automatically optimize the render zone for more accurate details.


    Exteriors Template

    This startup template is highly recommended for exteriors projects, but it is also recommended for big structure like as: airports, hangars, malls etc... Eyecad VR will automatically optimize the render zone for big dimensions projects. This template appears with a 3D terrain already in the scene at the opening.


    Masterplan Template

    This startup template is highly recommended for Urban visualization. Eyecad VR will automatically optimize the render zone for better viewing of portions of cities.


    3D Configurator Template

    This startup template is highly recommended to create customizable 3D models like, furnitures configuration, car configurators and more... It is highly recommended to use the “HDRI Studio mode” in the “Environment” settings.


    Photogrammetry Template

    This startup template is highly recommended to create customizable 3D models like, furnitures configuration, car configurators and more... It is highly recommended to use the “HDRI Studio mode” in the “Environment” settings.


    Import objects

    Once choosen the best template for your project, it’s time to import your 3D model. It sufficient to go to the “Objects” TAB.


    Click on the “import new object” icon inside the “Objects” TAB and choose your 3D model from your PC.


    Compatible formats

    Eyecad VR 2020 is fully compatible with these 3D formats in order of importance: FBX, SKP, 3DS, OBJ.

    Once imported your 3D files, it will appear on the bottom of the screen, inside the “personal project library” and it is necessary to drag’n’drop the 3D object to the grid (3d scene).

    Objects manager

    It has been designed to help you to choose the layers/objects of your project with an easy User Interface on the right of the screen. The objects manager allows to select, hide and organize the “father” and the “son” hierarchy of the 3d models.


    Thanks to the “Objects manager” is also possible to click with the right mouse button on the objects to be able to operate on the them without necessarily do it in the 3D visualization.

    Objects Library

    The 3D Objects library now includes over 2000 high quality objects “render-ready” that allows you to fill an entire scene with ease. It has been organized in categories that will help you to find the objects you need.


    Import guideline

    If you need more information about importing from a specific 3D modeling software, take a look at our “import guideline” on our forum area, here.

    The “Materials” TAB allows you to create and modify all the materials that can be used in Eyecad VR, as well as the access to the software’s libraries.



    The “create a new material” command allows to access to a menu of options relating to the parameters of the editable material, as well as the possibility of assigning a name and saving the changes made.




    The default Eyecad VR material is PBR (physically based rendering) although the terminologies used in the editor have an hybrid characterization. By opening the materials editor it’s possible to access to the “texture map”, “normal map”, “reflection map” and “height map” mappings, that normally are automatically created by Eyecad VR, but is possible to add every single customize map. Is possible to set the RGB color parameters, in addition to define the parameters Transparency, Lucidity, Metallic and Emission.

    Physically Based Rendering (PBR) is a method of shading and rendering that provides a more accurate representation of how the light interacts with surfaces. It is referred to as Physically Based Rendering (PBR) or Physically Based Shading (PBS). Depending on what aspect of the pipeline is being discussed, PBS is usually specific to shading concepts and PBR is specific to rendering and lighting. However, both terms describe the process of representing assets from a physically accurate standpoint.

    Texture map

    The texture map is the first of the four material maps options in the materials editor. Clicking on the preview box (“+” command) activates an upload menu that allows you to search, select and upload an image in .png, .jpg or .bmp formats.

    The Texture Map item also includes a percentage slider, which allows you to set the texture visibility choosed. The values lower than 100 actually introduce a transparency component which reveals, for the remaining percentage, the basic color of the material.

    Normal Map and Reflection Map

    Eyecad VR automatically generates the Normal Map and the Reflection Map from the imported Texture Map. It is therefore not necessary to be in possession of the entire PBR texture kit, but only the RGB texture is sufficient. According to the PBR conventions, the Normal Map is useful to define the effects of relief without corresponding to an actual geometric detail of the object where the material is applied. The same operating logic, in the case of reflections, it has to be applied to the Reflection Map.

    Once the texture import operation has been completed, eyecad VR will automatically process the image of the Normal Map (a technique used to simulate the complexity of the survey of surfaces without modelling them in detail) and the image of the Reflection Map (it is an efficient technique of image-based illumination to approximate the appearance of a reflective surface using a precalculated texture image).

    Height Map

    Eyecad VR automatically generates the Height Map from the imported Texture Map. It is therefore not necessary to be in possession of the entire PBR texture kit, but only the diffuse texture is sufficient. According to the PBR conventions, the height map is useful to define the effects of 3D relief.


    After this operation, it is possible to change (in order of percentage) the effects that the latter have on the material. You can see a preview of the top material, in the menu.

    Please note: This function is highly suggested for cubic objects (like as floors,walls etc…) and not for spherical objects.

    Basic properties of the material

    The materials editor allows defining the final appearance by modifying the following parameters:

    • RGB
    • Transparency
    • Lucidity
    • Metallic
    • Emission


    It allows to define, through the mix of the three RGB parameters (red, yellow, blue) the basic color of the material. You can also enter a hexadecimal color code or select the color using the two visual preview modes provided.


    It allows to define the transparency of the material. In other words, the ability of the material to be crossed by light. It is expressed in percentage terms from 0 to 100 (%).


    It allows to define the lucidity of the material. In other words, the material’s ability to reflect light on its surface. It is expressed in percentage terms from 0 to 100 (%).


    It allows to define the metallic value of the material. In other words, the ability of the material to simulate the typical surface characteristics of metals. It is expressed in percentage terms from 0 to 100 (%).


    It allows to define the light emission of the material. In other words, the ability of the material to emit light, of the same color defined in the RGB parameter, according to the intensity expressed in percentage terms, from 0 to 100 (%).


    The materials editor allows you to activate the “two-sided-mode” option. Its effects are easy to understand when assigning the material to an object present in the project scene. The fact of making the material visible both inside and outside the surfaces that characterize the object during rendering makes it possible to overcome the problems of “mesh normal inverted” that can be inherited during the import phase of 3D models all inside of eyecad VR. By default the “two-sided-mode” option is deactivated, because it is highly suggested to fix the direction of the mesh in the 3D modelling software. Anyway, its activation affects transparencies and reflections:

    Two side mode – off

    Two side mode – on

    PBR Materials Library

    Eyecad VR offers a big PBR materials (Physically Based Rendering) library that includes a wide selection of samples frequently encountered in the context of architecture and design. Libraries are categorized into items that allow you to easily identify the type before making the choice in detail.

    Why PBR materials?

    Physically Based Shading (PBS) and Physically Based Rendering (PBR) refer respectively to a shading and rendering method designed to make the way light interacts with the surfaces of an object as accurate as possible.

    Who uses a software in computer graphics, as in the case of eyecad VR transposes a series of objective advantages in the operational phase, including the fact of automating many procedures that affect the rendering of surface attributes, a factor that makes it much easier to define realistic assets with a relatively moderate effort, thanks to their high quality rendering with any light condition present in the scene.

    Another of the aspects for which eyecad VR has chosen to make use of PBR materials is given by the fact that the PBR methodology defines work standards that allow more users to interact, even at different times. Automating procedures makes managing a project much simpler and more intuitive, and the parameters for defining a material are objectively reduced in number.

    Eyecad VR offers the possibility to add a series of artificial lights, able to simulate the effect of omnidirectional sources (point light), spot (spot light) and area (area light).

    Inside the TAB: “Light sources” you can create the different types of lights, to position them in the scene by drag’n’drop. The light sources available in the Eyecad VR light creation tab are:

    • Point-light
    • Spot-light
    • Area-light


    Point light

    The point-light is a light source that can be freely positioned in the scene. From the point of emission, it projects a beam of light in an omnidirectional manner, controllable by parameters present in the TAB.


    To create and position the point-light, simply select it in the “Light sources” tab and drag it inside the scene (drag and drop). The gizmo (x, y, z) allows the point-light to be positioned precisely in the scene.

    The point light parameters can be edited through the “Light Editor” TAB, where it is possible to configure:

    • IES Lights: it allows to choose one IES file from the library included in Eyecad VR to apply to the light source.
    • Power: it indicates the quantity of light emitted expressed in percentage terms (%).
    • Angle: it indicates the radius of the light beam emitted, expressed in degrees (°).
    • Distance : it indicates the area of effect of the light source, through its depth, which is equivalent to the visibility limit of the light emitted, expressed in meters (m).
    • Color temperature: it indicates the color of the light emitted by the source, expressed in degrees Kelvin (K).


    In the Interactions section, the light editor allows you to choose whether to offer the option of turning the point light on and off during navigation in the scene. This option has an influence in the exploratory phase and allows (light on / light off) to configure the preset for each point light in the scene.


    The spot-light is a light source that can be freely positioned in the scene. From the point of emission, it projects a beam of light through a conical beam with a variable radius, which can be configured using the configuration parameters in the TAB.


    To create and position the Spot-light, simply select it in the “Light sources” tab and drag it inside the scene (drag and drop). The gizmo (x, y, z) allows you to precisely position the source and destination of the spot-light in the scene:

    • IES lights: it allows to choose one IES file from the library included in Eyecad VR to apply to the light source.
    • Power: it indicates the quantity of light emitted expressed in percentage terms (%).
    • Angle: it indicates the radius of the emitted light cone, expressed in degrees (°).
    • Distance : it indicates the area of effect of the light source, through its depth, which is equivalent to the visibility limit of the light emitted, expressed in meters (m).
    • Color temperature: it indicates the color of the light emitted by the source, expressed in degrees Kelvin (K).


    In the Interactions section, the light editor lets you choose whether to offer the option of turning the spot-light on and off while navigating in the scene. This option has influence in the exploratory phase and it allows (light on / light off) to configure the preset for each spot-light in the scene.

    IES Lights

    IES Lights are used to create a realistic light projection from the light sources (spot or point) added in the 3D environment. This feature is very important to increase the realism of the lights. It is possible to choose on IES light file by clicking on the (+) button on the top of the lights editor. It will appear a new window, very close to the lights editor, that contains the IES file library.



    The Area-Light is a surface that acts as a projector (Sky-portal) of ambient light. It is mainly used for lighting interior spaces, to increase the level of definition and to obtain a more realistic rendering of the chromatic component of light. Its operation consists of projecting all the environmental components in the scene into an architectural space. For the reasons mentioned above it is advisable to position the Area Light in correspondence with the openings of the interiors in the scene.


    To create and position the Area-light, simply select it in the “Light sources” tab and drag it inside the scene (drag and drop). The gizmo (x, y, z) allows you to precisely position the source and destination of the spot-light in the scene. The Area Light takes effect only in the direction indicated by the arrow vector.

    The “Modify” TAB allows you to change the surface area of the Area-light any time.

    In the case of the Area-Light (default as Sky-portal) there are no additional modification parameters, as the light source adapts in real time to the ambient lights in the scene, emitting in a perpendicular way to the direction of emission indicated by the arrow vector.


    In the case of the Artificial Area-Light ( by clicking on the Artificial light button) a new menu appears which is possible to set some parameters for the artificial arealight that is often used like as roof led lights or neon effects


    The materials configuration in an interactive 3D scene is one of the distinctive features of Eyecad VR. Through the exploration mode the user can navigate in real time in the defined spaces with the possibility of interacting with the objects for which this possibility has been provided.

    It is therefore possible to use Eyecad VR as a 3D configurator for interior projects, furnishings and finishes, as well as customizing any aspect of the project scene. In the Exploration mode it is possible to select any object to activate the sample of available options, from which to choose and display in real time the final appearance, both via monitor and via virtual reality headsets.

    To set the configurable materials, simply follow the procedure described below.

    After assigning a material (selecting the material in the “Materials” TAB and dragging it on the object to which the material is to be assigned), select the object, right-click and go to the “Set UV” menu and click on it.


    Here you can set the UV of the Objects and by selecting “Save UV” allows to Eyecad VR to save the selected material in the interactive settings of the object, thus making it possible to select in the exploration mode.


    To assign more materials to the same object, simply repeat the procedure for each material you intend to assign with a customizable UV setting for each interchangeable material.


    By selecting the object with interactive materials assigned, and by going on the Interactions TAB, you will see the materials saved for the interactions.

    In addition to choose the applicable materials for each object in the scene, it is possible to set the default material, which is assigned to the activation of the exploration mode. In other words, it is possible to choose the basic material from which to start with the configuration. To do this, select the “Interactions” tab and click on the material you want. The real-time preview also allows you to visually check the default material chosen for the interactions, minimizing the possibility of error.

    The “interactions” TAB allows to associate to the objects in the scene four possible types of interaction, directly selectable in the right column of the menu.

    The “Movable Object” interaction, if active, allows you to move and rotate the object in the exploration mode.


    To activate the “movable object” option, the procedure described below must be performed.

    After selecting the “Interactions” tab, the menu on the right will display the four possible interactions, including “movable object”. Selecting the aforementioned mode, the following confirmation message will appear in the menu “this object is now movable”.

    The operation is completely reversible. To remove the possibility of interaction of an object in the “exploration” mode, it is in fact sufficient to select the type of interaction “fixed object”.

    By default, the objects in the scene are set with the interaction type “fixed object”.


    The “Interactions” TAB allows to associate to the objects in the scene four possible types of interaction, directly selectable in the right column of the menu.

    The “Rotatable” interaction, when active, allows to define the opening modes like of a door characterized by a rotation around a pin.

    To activate the “Rotatable” option, the procedure described below must be performed.

    Premise – the “Rotatable” interaction was originally conceived to be used with the doors in a scene, but can be freely associated with any object, since it limits itself to defining the rotation modes around a pin.

    The first operation coincides with the selection of the object to be opened with a rotation.

    The most common examples are a door or the door of furniture or wardrobe for which a revolving opening is foreseen, distinct in eyecad VR with respect to the sliding openings, which are managed through the type of interaction “Sliding”.


    After selecting the object that you want to open with a rotation, you need to select the “Interactions” tab, which automatically activates the right column of the menu, where there are all types of interaction.

    Select the type of interaction “Rotatable”.


    The selection of the interaction type “Rotatable”, enables the commands “Track hinge”, “Rotation angle”, “Rotation speed” and the option “Proximity sensor”.

    The “Track hinge” command activates a series of blue circular points helper, which allow you to define the object’s axis of rotation.


    After activating the “Track hinge” command, it is necessary to select two of the blue points helpers active on the object, to draw the line that acts as a rotation axis (hinge).


    Once the rotation axis has been set, eyecad VR is able to recognize both the hinge around which the object is rotating and the opening direction.


    The “Rotation angle” function allows you to set the maximum opening angle through a slider in degrees.

    The “proximity sensor” function allows you to activate or deactivate the mode according to which the opening takes place automatically when, in the exploration mode, a user approaches the object to which the interaction was associated. In other words, if the “proximity sensor” function is active, the simple approach of the user activates the opening animation of the object.

    If the “Proximity Sensor” function is not active, the user must interact directly with the controller / keyboard and mouse during the exploration in order to activate the opening animation.

    The “Interactions” TAB allows to associate to the objects in the scene three possible types of interaction, directly selectable in the right column of the menu.

    The “Sliding” interaction, under the “Animated object” window, when active, allows to define the opening modes of a door characterized by a scroll along a straight line.

    To activate the “Sliding” option, the procedure described below must be performed.

    Premise – the interaction “Sliding” was originally conceived to be used with the doors present in a scene, but can be freely associated to any object, as it limits itself to defining the modes of translation along a straight line.

    The first operation coincides with the selection of the object to be opened with a scroll. The most common examples are a standard door or a door of furniture or wardrobe for which a sliding opening is expected.

    After selecting the object that you want to open with a sliding, you need to select the “Interactions” tab, which automatically activates the right column of the menu, where there are all types of interactions.


    Select the interaction type “Animated object” and than “Sliding”..

    The selection of the interaction type “Sliding” enables the commands “Track binary”, “Percentage of movement”, “Movement speed” and the function “Proximity sensor”.


    After selecting the interaction type “Sliding”, Eyecad VR identifies the object with a series of blue color helpers.


    The next operation consists in selecting the “Track binary” command that allows you to define the line that constrains the scrolling of the object.

    Click on the icon “Track binary”.


    If you define a line (through the blue points) on the lower limit of the object as a binary, this effectively becomes the track that Eyecad VR uses to convey its flow during the animation.


    The “Percentage of movement” command allows you to set, with respect to the overall length of the track, the percentage of sliding that the object will perform during the animation.

    The default condition provides a percentage of movement of 80%, but it can be changed at any time thanks to the slider below the description of the command. The image depicts the case of a sliding door that enters a part of the wall inside. According to the default settings, its leaf would remain visible outside the wall for 20% of its width, which in this case coincides with the sliding track. If you set a movement percentage of 100%, the entire leaf would disappear into the wall.

    The “Movement speed” command allows you to set, with respect to the overall length of the track, the movement speed that the object will perform during the animation.

    The “proximity sensor” function allows you to activate or deactivate the mode according to which the translation takes place automatically when, in “exploration” mode, a user approaches the object to which the interaction was associated. In other words, if the “proximity sensor” function is active, the simple approach of the user activates the translation animation of the object.

    If the “proximity sensor” function is not active, the user must interact directly with the controller / keyboard and mouse during the exploration phase in order to activate the opening animation.

    The “Environment” TAB allows you to set different conditions related to the ambient light, direct solar light and to control the atmospheric agents of the project scene.

    The “Environment” TAB interface includes the “Hours”, “Day”, “Coordinates”, “North”, “Cloudiness”, “Weather”, “Fog” and “HDRI” functions, as well as allowing the possibility to choose a an HDRI image and to make the environmental sky related to it visible or not (Sky On / Sky Off).


    In detail, the “Environment” TAB options allow you to define the following environmental lighting aspects:

    Hours: The “time” function allows you to configure the time, contextually changing the position of the scene. This function is related to the “Day” function.


    Day: The “Day” function allows you to set the current date of the project, contextually changing the position of the sun in the scene. This function is related to the “Hours” function.


    Coordinates:The “Coordinate” function allows you to set the terrestrial coordinates by geo-localization of the project. This function is related to the “Hours” and “Day” functions and allows you to define the position of the sun in the scene.


    North: The “North” function allows you to set the position of the geographic north, through which Eyecad VR is able to automatically determine the sunrise-sunset path, and to accurately determine its position in relation to the “Hours” functions, “Day” and “Coordinates”.


    Cloudiness: The “cloudiness” function determines the amount of clouds in the project sky. The clouds are generated parametrically and affect the general shading of the scene. Indicated in percentage terms (%).


    Weather: The “weather” function determines the weather conditions by setting a percentage value (%), which is able to give rise to five different situations, in the following order:


    Sunny conditions (clear or normally cloudy):


    Wet conditions without rainfall:


    Wet conditions with rainfall:


    Snowy environment conditions without snowfall:


    Snowy environment conditions with snowfall:


    Other functions:


    The “HDRI” function allows you to load an HDRI 360 image, which hemispherically surrounds the project scene, like a great celestial vault able to condition the entire environment inside it. The Eyecad VR HDRI performs the background functions of the scene and affects global reflections.


    Eyecad VR allows you to select the HDRI preset in the Eyecad VR “HDRI library” setted in two ways, which can however be changed and managed independently, at any time.

    Sky on HDRIs: the HDRI determines a preset and static sky. The cloudiness percentage affects the general lighting of the scene, but the clouds are not visible because the background is always characterized by the HDRI image. If the Sky on function is used, it is advisable to check the coincidence with the position of the virtual sun with that of the HDRI image, in order to avoid inconsistencies in the shading phase.


    Sky off HDRIs: the Sky off function removes the visible component (static sky) of the HDRI image, replacing it with the default environment, in which all the effects determined by the functions Time, Day, Coordinate, North and Cloudiness are dynamically visible. The overall effect is of a hybrid nature, combining a real landscape with a procedural sky.


    The choice of the Sky-on and Sky-off function depends both on the type of project and on the subjective preference to proceed with a specific lighting setup at the environment level.

    It is also possible to upload a personal HDRI image in Jpg, Png, Bmp, Tiff and Tif formats. However, Eyecad VR will automatically convert the image into an efficient real-time lighting image.

    The HDRI image can also be configured through the following two parameters: HDRI: It turns on (or off) the HDRI background.HDRI Floor: It allows to create a virtual floor from the HDRI image.HDRI Sun: It allows to match the HDRI sun with the virtual sun to improve the general lighting.Power: it affects directly the exposure of the final image. Expressed in percentage values (%)Rotation: it rotates the image 360 relative to the vertical axis (z). Expressed in degrees (°).

    The “Landscape” tab allows you to create and modify the elements of the natural or artificial landscape of the project, through the configuration of different parameters. The “Landscape” TAB interface includes the ability to view or not the terrain in 3D (show/hide 3D terrain) and the creation commands “Terrain”, “Trees”, “Rocks”, “Painter”, “Water ”,“ World Map ”as well as the brush configuration options that allows you to create and modify all the parts related to the territory conformation.


    Eyecad VR allows you to import real parts of territory (with the help of Open Street Map and Digital Elevation Map technology) or to directly model one, let’s see how:


    Once inside the “Landscape” tab, at the bottom left we can generate and / or hide the 3D terrain, if one has already been created it can be deleted using the “Delete landscape” button. The 3D terrain consists of an “infinite” plane on which it is possible to act, by modeling, by raising, lowering, leveling the ground to make it conform to the setting you want to recreate. Other actions are available and are discussed in detail below.


    This is the tool that deals with soil modeling, by clicking on its icon representing two hills, the “Terrain Editor” menu will appear on the right, showing the following actions:

    • Terrain Up
    • Terrain Down
    • Smooth
    • Align
    • Alignment height
    • 3D Grass
    • Infinite plane
    • Import heightmap


    First of all, in order to perform modeling on the ground, the Terrain must be activated, using the function: “Show”.


    Terrain Up

    Selecting the action “Up” it is possible to make changes on the ground, in the area indicated by the size of the “brush”, bringing it to the desired height. For a more precise or more general action it is possible to choose the size, strength and shape of the “Brush”.

    The Brush is located inside the “Landscape” tab on the right.


    Terrain Down

    Selecting “Down” it is possible to work on the ground by lowering the area of the selected land to the desired height. For a more precise or more general action it is possible to choose the size, strength and shape of the “Brush”.



    Selecting the action “Smooth” it is possible to intervene on the ground by softening the curves between the different dimensions of the ground. For a more precise or more general action it is possible to change the size, strength and shape of the “Brush” (brush).



    Selecting the action “Align” it is possible to intervene on the ground bringing it to a very precise altitude. For a more precise or more general action it is possible to change the size, strength and shape of the “Brush” (brush).


    3D Grass

    This function allows to generate 3D animated grass for the natural landscape. It suggested to model the 3D terrain without the 3D grass on, especially for not high-end PCs. It is possible to generate the 3D grass by clicking on the 3D grass toggle button.


    Infinite Plane

    It generates an infinite plane to simulate the horizon for the 3D scene, however, it is possible to modify the 3D terrain up to a certain point.


    Import Heightmap

    This helpful function, allows you to import the territorial trend by one image that describes it. Eyecad VR, once imported it, will automatically create the territorial trend. This kind of images are created with a lot of software. In Eyecad VR is possible to import the heightmap images in these formats (jpg, png, tiff, tif) :



    If you need to add 3D plants for private or public gardens, this is the right area, here in fact, you can choose from a lot of different types of 3D gardens decorative plants, like bushes small trees and more. Just drag’n’drop the objects from the lateral menu to the scene.


    Trees editor

    If the 3D project is inserted in a natural landscape or in a park, reserve or urban area, surely there will be a need for the insertion of some trees in it to be able to represent it at its best. Eyecad VR provides a library of different trees that can be freely inserted into your project.


    To be able to insert trees in the project, just go to the “Landscape” tab and select the “Trees” button.

    Once selected, a menu called “Trees Editor” will appear on your right, where you will find different types of trees. If you want to perform a fast filling action of the landscape with different trees you can use the brush that will help you in the execution of the action.


    To speed up the operation of general filling of the landscape select the function: “Select all”, which will select all the trees in the library by positioning them on the ground when the brush passes over it.

    It is possible to select the type of trees of our interest and insert them with the brush on the ground.

    Also in this case, for a more precise or more general action it is possible to choose the size, strength and shape of the “Brush” (brush).

    If instead you need a timely, more precise regulation, you can select and drag a tree directly from the library to the terrain where you want the plant be inserted. In this case, the trees dragged manually will not be anchored to the 3D landscape.

    If you want to delete an area of trees without removing them individually, you can use the “Delete trees” tool at the top of the “Trees Editor”.

    In the case of manually dragged trees, you can also delete a tree individually by simply clicking on it and pressing the “Delete” key on the keyboard.

    Adding trees by brush:


    Adding trees by drag’n’drop from the trees library:


    Rocks editor

    If the 3D project is inserted in a natural landscape or in a park, reserve or urban area, surely there will be a need for the insertion of some rocks in it to be able to represent it at its best. Eyecad VR provides a library of different rocks that can be freely inserted into your project.


    To be able to insert the rocks inside the project, just go to the “Landscape” tab and select the “Rocks” function.

    Once selected, a menu called “Rocks Editor” will appear on your right, where you will find different types of rocks. If you want to perform a quick action to fill the landscape with different rocks, you can use a tool that will help you carry out the action.


    To speed up the general filling operation of the landscape, select the function: “Select all”, which will select all the rocks in the library by placing them on the ground when the brush passes over it. This function works with little rocks only.

    It is also possible to select the type of rocks of your interest and insert them with the brush on the land.

    Also in this case, for a more precise or more general action it is possible to vary the size, strength and shape of the “Brush” (brush).

    If you need timely, more precise intervention, you can select and drag a rock directly from the library to the point where you want it to be inserted. This function works with all rocks in the rocks editor.

    If you want to delete an area of rocks and without removing them individually, you can use the “Erase rocks” tool, at the top of the “Rocks Editor”.

    You can also delete a rock individually, simply by clicking on it and pressing the “Delete” key on the keyboard. This function works with the manually dragged rocks only.



    In this section Eyecad VR allows you to also customize the texture of the soil by being able to choose from a range of textures ranging from sand to grass, from rock to soil.


    To be able to apply these textures, just go to the “Landscape” TAB and click on the “painter” icon. Once this is done, the “Painter” menu will appear where you can choose the texture that best suits our use, including:

    • Sand
    • Grass
    • Rocks
    • Ground stones
    • Ground
    • Ground 2
    • Ground 3

    Please note: Other painter textures will be added on the future updates.


    To apply them to the ground, just choose one from the menu and apply it by pressing the left mouse button on the ground using the Brush (brush).

    Also in this case, for a more precise or more general action it is possible to vary the size, strength and shape of the “Brush” (brush).

    If you want to delete an area of soil texture we can use the “Erase texture” tool, at the top of the “Painter editor”.

    If you want to delete the 3D grass in a specific area just use the grass texture from the painter and the 3D grass will be deleted from the 3D scene.


    Inside the “landscape” TAB we find the “Water” section, very useful if the project is placed in a context near a lake, river or sea. To be able to interact with it and see the changes it is necessary to activate the switch: “Show 3D terrain”, which is located at the beginning of the “Landscape” tab.


    Going to the “Water” section and here you can choose from the “Water Editor” (which will appear once you click on the Water icon), which type of “water” we want to simulate. The choice is divided into five types:

    • Lake
    • Mediterranean
    • Pacific
    • River
    • North Sea

    Once you have chosen the type of water to be simulated, you will need to set the height of the water to at least 1m (one meter) to be able to see its simulation, or push the 3D terrain down. The height of the water surface is adjustable using the “Height” value bar inside the “Water” editor. Together with the height, it is also possible to adjust the water stirring state through the value: “waves”, which is always inside the “Water” editor.

    Below are the reference images of the type of water, in order:





    Pacific Ocean




    Atlantic Ocean


    North Sea


    World map

    in the “Landscape” TAB it is possible to import a portion of the geographical area of the terrestrial globe. Just go to the “World map” section in the “Landscape” tab. Once inside the “World map” section, the “Real World Editor” will appear as usual.


    In the search bar just below the map, we can quickly search for the city we want to import. If, on the other hand, you want to make a more accurate search, you must go to the inside of the box containing the map and perform Pan and scroll. Once the area to be imported has been identified, click on the blue “Generate Real World” button. You can choose whether to insert:

    • Satellite images: it will apply satellite photos to the ground;
    • 3D Buildings OSM (Open Street Map): it will import in the correct position the simplified volume of the buildings present in the selected area, green park area, trees, streets and more urban details;
    • Elevation DEM (Digital Elevation Map): the soil will be imported with its topography.


    It is also possible to intervene on the height of buildings, using the “Building height” value bar in m (meters)

    Whenever you want to make a change to the imported soil and update it, just click again on the blue button “Generate Real World”.


    The “Effects” TAB allows you to create and manage the visual effects indicated in its interface: Fire, Fog and Reflection Probe.



    It is characterized by the unmistakable icon of the flame, the “Fire” effect simulates the animation of fire, in the type that can be found in elements such as a fireplace or a bonfire.


    To use a fire effect, select the “Fire” command in the “Effects” TAB and drag inside the scene. At this point, the generated fire can be managed like any other object in the scene (TAB “Edit”, commands move and rotate).

    The “Fire” effect is able to influence the general lighting of the scene, projecting the unmistakable warm light that characterizes it.




    The “Fog” effect simulates the behavior of the fog, in configurations ranging from forest mist to high mountain fog.


    To use a fog effect, select the “Fog” command in the “Effects” tab and drag inside the scene. At this point, the fog generated can be managed like any other object in the scene (TAB “Edit”, commands move, rotate and scale).

    immagine FOG di un landscape

    Reflection Probe

    The “Reflection Probe” effect is recurrent in real-time 3D software and allows you to create a box in the scene that simulates a surrounding reflection, influencing only what is inside it. It is used above all to improve the quality of reflections in real time in the interior, influencing all the more or less reflective surfaces.


    To use a “Reflection Probe” effect it is necessary to select the homonymous command in the “Effects” tab and drag it inside the scene.


    At this point, the generated “Reflection Probe” can be managed like any other object in the scene (“Edit” TAB, move, rotate and scale commands).

    Size and position the reflection probe in the centre of gravity of the rooms and using the scale command, so as to incorporate the objects of interest into it.


    Help yourself with the different views with the view cube (axonometric visualization) for sizing and positioning the reflection probe. It is highly suggested to create one reflection probe for each room you have you in your project.


    Differently from the Fire and Fog effects, the effects of the Reflection Probe depend specifically on its “bounding box”, having to accurately surround the environment in which you want to emphasize the real-time reflections. The Reflection Probe must therefore be sized so as to “wrap” the room, with its limits that should be almost tangent to the outer surface of the perimeter walls.

    The “Animations” TAB allows you to create and manage 3D paths in different categories: 3D People and 3D cars (to simulate traffic in an urban context).

    This TAB is very interesting because, it allows to fill and animate your project, especially for videos and explorations.

    The first step to do is to go on the “Animations” TAB on the general Eyecad VR User Interface.


    1- Draw a Path

    If you want to draw a Path, you can click on the “Draw path” icon and choose by four different path types:


    • People path
    • Vehicles path
    • Bike path
    • Custom objects path

    People Path

    People path could help to animate a sidewalk of an urban context or a park. By adding people path is possible to set some parameters that allows to have a more realistic situation of the context created with the people. You can create the path by creating point by point the path you want that 3D people will walk on.


    These are the parameters you can edit by clicking on a blue point of the path:

    • Density
    • Speed
    • Lane count
    • Lane width
    • Two lanes
    • Right drive
    • Curve smoothness

    Vehicles Path

    Vehicles path could help to animate a street of an urban or country context by 3D cars traffic. By adding vehicles path is possible to set some parameters that allows to have a more realistic situation of the context created with the cars. You can create the path by creating point by point the path you want that 3D cars will walk on.


    These are the parameters you can edit by clicking on a blue point of the path:

    • Density
    • Speed
    • Lane count
    • Lane width
    • Two lanes
    • Right drive
    • Curve smoothness

    2- Static HQ cars and HQ animated people (without path)

    If you need to add static cars or animated people that will not walk, you do not need to create a path. The simple action to do is to open the dedicated library: People, Vehicles or Bike.

    3D HQ people

    To add 3D people to the 3D scene, you need to drag them to the 3D scene from the library, located at the bottom. Once dropped on the scene, by selecting one of them, a new menu will appear on your right with the settings of the character.

    At this moment is possible to select the animation that you want the it accomplishes. It’s possible to choose from:

    • Idle
    • Texting
    • Holding box
    • Laying
    • Dancing
    • Sitting
    • Talking
    • Phone talking


    3D HQ cars

    To add 3D cars on the 3D scene, it is necessary to drag’n’drop them on the 3D scene from the library downside. Once dropped on the scene, by selecting one of them, a new menu will appear on your right with the settings of the car.


    The TAB “Settings” allows you to set some options for the work area of Eyecad VR. The “Settings” TAB interface is characterized by five main topics:

    Graphics qualityAdjustmentsAdvancedEditorLanguage


    Graphics quality

    The “Graphics quality” section allows you to choose between four general quality presets for real-time rendering of Eyecad VR: LowMediumHighUltra

    Each option is able to influence many aspects, including the rendering of details, the quality of lights, shadows, reflections and all the visual effects present in the scene.

    Please note: Ultra quality is highly recommended for high-end PCs.



    The “Adjustments” section allows you to define three of the main adjustments of an image in computer graphics:

    • Saturation: it adjusts the tonal intensity of the colors
    • Contrast: it adjusts the ratio between light and dark areas
    • Brightness: it adjust the black level

    The adjustments depart from a default value, to which it is possible to make changes in centesimal positive (increase) or negative (decrease).

    NB: the brightness control affects the perceived contrast of an image and the contrast control affects the brightness.



    The “Advanced” section brings together a series of detailed aspects concerning the characteristics of the effects of light and the general resolution of the project, influencing the relative aspects of the graphic detail. In “Advanced” it is possible to configure the following properties:

    • Bloom: it regulates the effect that occurs when an object is affected by a very interesting light, going beyond its edges, to generate the characteristic luminous halo in correspondence with its contours.
    • Sun Rays: it regulates the effect of solar rays filtered by objects.
    • Resolution scale: it adjusts the scaling (constrained in the preset proportions) of the number of horizontal and vertical pixels that define the dimensional margins of the scene.
    • Occlusion intensity: it regulates the intensity of environmental occlusion (AO).
    • Ray-tracing ambient power: it regulates, with a rapid multiplier effect, the “occlusion intensity” value (verify the correctness of this definition).
    • Anti aliasing: it rule, with the aim of eliminating it, the aliasing effect (scaling at the edges) of the objects (3d models) in the scene. Associated with rendering, this adjustment is always active as Eyecad VR uses a real-time rendering method, constantly updated (refresh).


    The configurable items in the “Advanced” section all depend on a slider, whose numerical counterpart follows a scaling of various kinds, depending on the specific option.


    The “Editor” section allows you to hide the icons that characterize the following objects in the scene, while leaving their effects active: Hide Area LightHide Lights iconsHide Reflection probeHide Static cameras



    The Language section allows you to configure the general language of the software, which influences the description of all the entities visible in the interface and the contents of the scene. This option allows you to change the language even after installing Eyecad VR. Currently Eyecad VR is configurable in Italian and English language.


    The “Rendering” TAB allows to create static rendering (single or multiple images) of the project scene. The “Rendering” TAB interface includes the possibility of naming and saving renderings, a library of image filters, the possibility to define image resolution and an option that allows instant retrieval of the folder for saving the renderings.


    Render Name (save): The “render name” line allows you to write the name of the file, which will be automatically saved in the default folder for saving renderings in PNG format.


    Eyecad VR has a gallery of filters that can be applied to the image by simply clicking on one of the options in the central part of the TAB “Rendering” interface. The filter is applied in real time on the image and it is therefore possible to see the final result of the post product rendering even before saving it.


    The “filter intensity” option is a slider expressed in percentage (%) that regulates the effects of the application. At 0% the effects of the filter are invisible with respect to the original image, while at 100% the effects offer a very different version from the condition preceding its application.



    Eyecad VR allows rendering in the following resolutions, which correspond to the pixel dimensions (base x height) of the images saved: HD 1280 x 720Full HD 1920 x 1080WQHD 2560 x 1440UHD 3840 x 2160

    Open the Render folder

    The “Render folder” command allows you to instantly reach the rendering destination path in your PC that is automatically created by the software inside the project file directory.


    Camera settings

    The “Camera settings” editor allows you to define the photographic parameters of the selected camera. Once you have entered in the shooting mode, the Camera Settings menu will appear on the right side of the screen.


    The configurable options expect to intervene on the following items: Field of view (FOV)Focusing apertureFilter intensityReset rotation axis X

    Field of view (FOV): photographic parameter that indicates the visual field of the chamber, expressed in degrees (°)


    Focusing aperture: photographic parameter that indicates the focusing distance of the camera. Moving the focus point closer or farther away creates blurry backgrounds, ideal for emphasizing objects that are close to the lens, or very sharp, as happens for example in wide-angle situations.


    Filter intensity: post-production option of the image that determines the intensity of application of a filter (effect) on the rendering. Expressed in percentage terms (°).


    Reset rotation of X axis: the application of this command automatically resets the rotation of the X axis of the camera, effectively eliminating the “falling lines” inside the image. The resulting effect is a straightening of vertical lines, eliminating perspective convergence towards the top. This is a device that has always been used in architectural photography to avoid deformations that can mislead the reading of the composition of the building’s elevations.

    Create Camera (multiple cameras): Allows you to create a system of multiple cameras, which allow you to save and recall a series of views without having to exit the UI of the render mode. Each camera has its “camera settings” editor marked with a progressive number, which allows the scrolling and selection of the relative camera, of which it is possible to modify the settings in a totally autonomous way.


    Lock Camera: if active it prevents you from changing the settings of the current camera. This is a useful option especially to avoid distracted and unwanted movements, which are frequent when you forget to leave the camera mode for normal window navigation.